One of the main approaches for the design of plasma-facing components (PFC) of a tokamak type fusion experimental reactor is plasma magnetic field-line tracing. Such an approach can define the heat load of the Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) plasma and thus the shape of PFC surfaces. Standard codes for magnetic field-line tracing are not optimized for fast simulations in a huge triangle mesh. In this master thesis a software solution as a module in SALOME environment for fast magnetic field-line tracing in an interpolated SOL magnetic equilibrium and for checking intersections of field-lines with PFC meshes of 10 millions or more triangles in Boundary Volume Hierarchy (BVH) is developed. The kinematics of high energy particles, which hit PFC under sharp angles and consequently affect them thermally, is based on the integration of a system of ordinary differential equations which describe the motion of particles in an axisymmetric magnetic field of plasma equilibrium. Intersection checking of magnetic field-lines with PFC triangle meshes is based on state-of-the-art algorithms with acceleration structures (BVH) of the ray tracing kernel Intel Embree. The developed software solution can be used to determine the shadow triangle mesh and to calculate power deposition on the unshadowed part of PFC. Comparative tests with standard solutions for plasma magnetic field-line tracing (PFCFLUX and SMARDDA) show that the software solution gives comparable results with speed-up of simulations.