The BA thesis “Na poti k domu” is a site-specific installation project originally designed for an exhibition in the Layers house in November 2021. This work investigates factors that define the feeling of home through reflections on personal migration experiences. What and where is home? This topic gained importance in the period of quarantine in 2020 when normal life, as we knew it, was stopped. These questions are explored by approaching it from different disciplines. The main focus is on the reasons for the emotional response to different sceneries, and the importance of place when it applies to attachment.
The final installation is inspired by the artistic practice of Robert Irwin, Haegue Yang, Alicja Kwade and Zhang Xiaogang. Using the guidelines developed through the research, different materials and techniques, such as hollow cast, fusing, engraving and etching were applied to achieve the desired result. Glass media is the main focus element of the installation. The variety of properties of this material are explored in the search for a proper and meaningful visualisation of the concept.