Adulthood is the period when an individual finishes school, starts looking for a job, gets a job, starts taking care of himself, in short, moves away from home. It is then that he begins to perform various important social roles. During this period, women are particularly affected, who, in addition to taking care of themselves, doing housework, and working, also take care of others and face many problems and stressful situations. Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from depression, which they associate with hormonal balance, a more stressful lifestyle, coping with violence and abuse, and constant thinking.
We live in a time where experiencing stress is something completely normal. We all feel it sometimes. However, it is true that we perceive individual stressors differently. To some, something causes stress, to others something else. The problem, however, arises when there is too much of this stress. Excessive experience of negative stress can lead to experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression, or even to various disorders and illnesses. People are most likely to experience anxiety and depression due to excessive stress. Anxiety is a few minutes of unpleasant emotional and behavioural symptoms that can also trigger a panic attack, while depression consists of symptoms that persist for a long time and the main symptom is experiencing endless sadness. Stress, symptoms of anxiety and depression can be managed through a variety of strategies. In our work we focus on relaxation techniques. Relaxation techniques evoke relaxation, which significantly reduces the effects of stress on the body and mind. Among other things, exercise slows the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, slows breathing and improves digestion. The purpose of the study, conducted among twelve active women, was to examine how short but regular use of relaxation techniques affects stress relief, experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety, the ability to focus on and accept the present moment, and life satisfaction of active women. In the research, we used a quasi-experimental method, namely one group with a pretest-posttest plan, and a mobile application with relaxation techniques was chosen as an aid. Analysis of the results showed that regular practice of relaxation techniques has a significant impact on experiencing stress. Based on the findings in the theoretical part and indicators in our study, we can also say that relaxation techniques have a positive impact on experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety, on the ability to focus and cope with the present moment and on being satisfied with your life as an active woman. We also found that one single best and most effective relaxation technique does not exist, but we can achieve a relaxation response with each technique with regular and conscientious exercise. The users were surprised by the positive effects of regular practice of relaxation techniques, all felt positive changes and agreed to continue using them.