Lesbian and gay literature in Slovenia acquired its label only after the appearance of the gay and lesbian movements, which started in the mid-eighties with the publication of translated and original homoerotic anthologies and the creation of the specialised ŠKUC collections Lambda and Vizibilija. Both these collections represented an incentive for Slovene homoerotic writing and the publication of Slovene authors, among whom there has been an increasing number of wider established and awarded authors since 2000; the number of lesbian poets and prose writers has also increased. In spite of this, some authors had problems acquiring the status of cultural worker, while the two collections have been described as too specialised or hermetic. Thus (self-) censorship or insistence on a non-minority position can be the reason why some of the writers do not wish to be ranked as homosexual writers, while most of the authors dealt with by the article find their own expression in their appurtenance to LGBT.