Published works of researchers are often difficult to find systematically in bibliographic databases. Authors are denoted by various abbreviations and name forms, have namesakes, etc. Unique identification would be possible through the use of identifiers such as ORCID, WOS-ID or Scopus-ID. In our work, we examined the state in this field for the researchers of the Department of Agronomy BF UL. A preliminary analysis showed that the data was deficient so we provided the researchers with the instructions for improvements. As the data remained insufficiently edited, we were able to prepare the most complete bibliometric analysis for the department using Scopus-ID identifiers, which are generated automatically. An analysis utilising the Scopus analytical tool indicates that the researchers most often publish in journals classified in the subject category of Agricultural and Biological Sciences. The journals in which they most often publish are Acta agriculturae Slovenica, Acta Horticulturae and Scientia Horticulturae. Using the VOSviewer program, we prepared a visualisation for the authorship, collaboration and citation as well as the publishing journals and content analysis. The results show that the majority of the documents is co-authored by Slovenian authors, especially within the departments. In the recent period, the researchers have been collaborating less with co-authors from the USA and slightly more from the European countries (Germany, Serbia, Italy and Croatia). From the viewpoint of citation, the horticulture group is less connected with other areas, which is also reflected in the co-occurrence of concepts. From the perspective of content, several major areas stand out: plant genetics, chemical analysis of fruit plants, soil pollution, plant protection and others.