This Master’s Thesis presents the languages features of six modern dramatic texts and their role in the production: Vinko Möderndorfer's Evropa (2014), Rok Vilčnik's Ljudski demokratični cirkus Sakešvili (2014), Simona Semenič's sedem kuharic, štirje soldati in tri sofije (2015), Jure Karas's Realisti (2018), author’s theatre 6 from Slovensko mladinsko gledališče (2018) and Nejc Gazvoda's Tih Vdih (2018). The theoretical section of the thesis describes the role of Theatre Language Consultants in the creation of stage speech through time, as well as their space within the Slovene Theatre Industry. Additionally, the theoretical section presents the differences between dramatic texts and production playscript and the language varieties used in them. A special emphasis is put on the types of Slovene language appearing in the six selected dramatic texts. The practical part of the thesis describes the theme and content of the selected drama scripts, their linguistic image and language differences between dramatic texts and production playscript. The last section of the thesis presents the role and responsibilities of Slovene Language Consultants that are employed by or freelance with professional Slovene theatres.