Efficiency is a concept that shows us how time, effort and costs are spent in a particular process. Efficiency, therefore, relates to whether we are doing things »the right way«. The efficient operation of an organization is reflected in the minimal use of funds. We must make optimal use of resources. We deal with the ratio of inputs and outputs. Inputs are the resources we invest in a particular process (money, labour, material…), and outputs are the “results” of the process (number of graduates). We know several types of efficiency, which are presented in the thesis.
In the thesis, the concept of efficiency and the related operation of the public sector and monitoring of cost efficiency in the public sector in the field of education is presented in a broader way using the descriptive method.
The empirical part is presented using the interview data and a comparative analysis of statistical financial data of the Josip Jurčič High School in Ivančna Gorica. The data used is that on actual costs from the annual reports on the realization of revenues and expenses for 2018 and 2019 and the data on planned costs from the Plan of revenues and expenses for 2018 and 2019. A comparative analysis shows that 2018 was not cost-effective. 2019, however, was cost-effective. The empirical part also shows the school's data on the costs and operations during the Covid-19 epidemic, which provides insight into the situation caused by the crisis. Data for the time of the Covid-19 epidemic was obtained directly through an interview.