This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive theoretical basis for understanding the complexity
of the motivation concept. Additionally, discussion on work performance, factors that affect it,
significance of motivation for good work performance as well as the role of satisfaction in the
aforementioned relationship are all addressed in the literature review and serve as a foundation
for investigating these issues in the specific context. Namely, the key findings indicated that
young employees of Montenegrin SMEs are all driven by extrinsic motives regardless of their
education or task difficulty, but that only highly educated individuals and individuals whose
tasks are demanding value intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, the greatest dissatisfaction was
reported with the level of pay, which was found to be a strong determiner of job satisfaction.
Aside from providing a thorough discussion on the findings of our research, we compare it to
that of other relevant studies conducted in the Balkans region in order to reveal if there are any
sociological, cultural or economic patterns characteristic for the given geographical area.