In my master's thesis The Weaknesses of Male Literary Figures, I have explored the sociological changes in the social position of men, focusing in particular on types of masculinity according to the Gramsci concept of cultural hegemony. Furthermore, a theoretical overview of the narrative enables an exploration of the literary figure and its characteristics in the modern Slovene novel. In the analytical part, by applying an interpretive-comparative analytical approach, I have compared four Slovene and one foreign novel according to motive-thematic interpretation, types of masculinity, linguistic expressions showing male weakness (or strength), and the characteristics of a literary figure within the modern Slovene novel; with the novels also being evaluated. I have analysed the following novels of the last decade, in which the main character is a male literary figure: Ki od daleč prihajaš v mojo bližino (2012) by Marko Sosič, Da me je strah? (2013) by Maruša Krese, Objemi norosti (2015) by Brane Mozetič, Starec in jaz (2017) by Sarival Sosič, and a Brazilian novel The eternal son (published in Slovene in 2013) by Cristóvão Tezza, whose analysis has served as a comparison of quality to Slovene novels discussed in the last chapter of the analytical part regarding the comparability of all analysed novels.