The purpose of this master thesis was to find effects of resistance training on strength, active mobility and static balance on elderly. In this research we included 20 elderly participants from rural part of Slovenia. All of them were without major contraindication for strength exercises and test battery (tests tasks which allow us data collecting for analysing progress in strength, active mobility and static balance. Our test battery included some test from »Senior fitness test battery«, »UKK test battery and »FMS test battery«. We decided to use two strength tests: »chair stand test« and »arm curl test«, two tests for active mobility: »chair sit and reach test« and »back scratch test«, static balance test: »stork balance stand test« and one test for movement functionality which measures strength, mobility and balance together: »hurdle step« and aerobic endurance test »2-min step test«. Experimental group (n=10) was over 10-week period performing strength exercises prescribed within programme for strength developing. This programme included 10 exercises for strength (upper limb, lower libs and trunk). Both control (n=10) and experimental group also performed test battery before and after 10-week programme. Both groups were unrestricted with any other activities in normally daily schedule. Test confirmed our hypothesis which means that exercises for strength can improve strength level directly and active mobility and static balance indirectly.