The purpose of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the five most commonly used diets utilized to treat Slovenian pediatric patients with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). The retrospective study included 70 pediatric patients aged between 0,7 and 18,0 years (average age = 9,3 years, standard deviation = 4,57 years) who were diagnosed with EoE between 2005 and 2019. Demographic data, clinical picture, medical history, endoscopic and histological characteristics of the esophageal mucosa, results of allergy tests and data on the type, duration and success of treatment were recorded for each pediatric patient. Out of all the participants included in the study, 49 were treated with a hypoallergenic diet (HD). There are different forms of HD, most common are: diet excluding all mammalian milk (cow, goat, sheep, mare, buffalo, donkey and camel milk), shorter diet excluding milk, targeted hypoallergenic diet created on the basis of allergy tests (CHD), the six-food elimination diet that contains the most common allergens (diet 6), elemental diet (ED) and egg-free diet. The pediatric patient groups following ED or the egg-free diet were excluded from a more detailed diet comparison due to the small sample. The results of the study showed that 57% of pediatric patients (n = 28) following HD experienced hystologic remission. Among the diets included in HD, the most successful diet was diet 6 (71 % successfulness), followed by the diet excluding milk (54 % successfulness) and CHD (50 % successfulness). The results of the study prove that the use of HD is a successful way to treat pediatric patients with EoE. In addition, the results showed that there are no statistically significant differences (p = 0,653) between the diet excluding milk, CHD and diet 6 in treatment success.