As often as independent, learning disabilities overlap with each other. Such a specific cognitive profile is difficult to detect and thus also reduction of learning difficulties is longer and more complex. When students emerge from a less encouraging environment due to poverty, they are often not subjected to enough early experiances required for forming foundamental skills and knowledge. To reduce learing dificulties they require early, effective and intense care, related to all areas of special needs. In the theoretical part, we have introduced the meaning of inclusive education and the system approach. We have described foundamental mathematical skills and defined comorbidity as related to specific language impairments, math learning difficulties and less encouraging environments due to poverty. We have described strategies and a set of effective trainings of foreign authors for working with students with comorbid dissabilities. Our main goal for the empiric part of the study was to determine how to plan, execute and evaluate math assistance for the student. We used a qualitative research approach. We performed a study on a first grade primary school student with co-occuring specific language impairments, math learning difficulities and less encouraging environment due to poverty. A team of a special education teacher, teacher and the students parents worked together during the entire process. Due to there being a student from a less encouraging environment involved in the study, we have prior to the study prepared a handbook »Matematika v domačem okolju« with tips and concrete guidelines for the students parents. Furthermore, the special education teacher colaborated with the teacher in the training phase (five times) regarding the planing, execution and evaluation of class work. The training lasted fourty-eight meetings, through twelve weeks in the form of thirty minute individual meetings, four times a week. Based on the students special needs, we have determined areas of activities with which we have developed skills: quantitative and numeric skills, counting strategies, mathematical operations, math language, graphomotoric, visual-motoric coordination, attention and coordination. Before and after the training we diagnostically graded the students knowledge and skills with the help of three tests, observations and a non-structured talk with the teacher and parents. After the intensive training, the student showed improvement on all areas. The student developed numeric skills, counting strategies and succesfully used addition and substraction in solving life-based textual tasks and along with that conquered the mathematical language. He improved graphomotoric and visual-motoric coordinatioon, progress was also made on attention and coordination. All involved have along with the progress on the mentioned areas also observed students changed, more positive attitude towards math and school work in general.