Colors are one of the most important factors in everyday life. The exact number of existing colors is not yet fully known. However, people are known to have poor color memory. The ability to remember colors depends on both the characteristics of the individual and the situation in which the need to recall the color arises. The field of color memory (perception and memory of unusual colors) is very poorly researched. The diploma thesis is related to color differences between patterns, which are related to short-term or long-term memory and to color differences between associative colors, color descriptions. The purpose of this work is to analyze long-term color memory for selected associative colors and to compare it with short-term color memory. The research approach was based on observation, with observers observing a particular color, image, or descriptively given reference color for a period of time. Color was treated separately from associations in the first part, and related to associations in the second and third parts. The first part contained all the reference colors shown independently of the associations, the second the grayscale images of the marks, the third the descriptively given colors. Analysis of the results showed that people remember colors very poorly. Observers generally performed better in testing short-term memory than long-term. The overall color differences were greater in the case of the latter. The way the template was presented had a noticeable effect on the color differences of long-term memory. When the proposal was given in gray, the results of the reference colors of the group shown in the second part of the study were better. The descriptive rendering of the reference colors shown in part 3 did not contribute to better results. The gender of the observers did not significantly affect the results themselves.