In my thesis I am analyzing the novel Človek na obeh straneh stene (1957) written by a Slovene author Zorko Simčič (1921). The novel was published in Argentina where the writer emigrated in 1948, and is a part of the emigration literature, the reception of which in Slovenia occured only in 1991. In the same year the novel was published in Slovenia. The novel received the Prešeren Award. I present literary modernism and existentialism, modernist subject and its position in the modern world, in which metaphysical nihilism is the dominating theory. I am researching the modern novel and its formal, stylistic, conceptual, thematic as well as linguistic characteristics. I am interested in the reception of the novel in Argentina. I am establishing why the novel Človek na obeh straneh stene is a modern novel comparable to the novels by world-renowed authors. I am focusing on two fundamental dimensions of the novel, i.e. division and alienation.