
ID Trstenjak, Gašper (Avtor), ID Vidmar, Peter (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V diplomski nalogi so predstavljeni konstrukcijski vidiki plovil za šport in razvedrilo. Naloga je razdeljena na deset glavnih sklopov. V prvem poglavju naloge so predstavljeni osnovne tipe podvodnega dela trupa plovila. Drugi sklop predstavlja kategorije plovbe, v katerih se vsa rekreacijska plovila razdelijo na štiri glavne skupine, ki so A, B, C, D. V tretjem poglavju sledi govor o splošni konstrukciji trupa in pogled v premagovanje večjih obremenitev s pomočjo uporabe novodobnih materialov. Četrti sklop diplomske naloge vsebuje predstavitev hidrodinamskega upora in grobi izračun pojava turbulence ob ladijskem trupu. Peto poglavje, v katerem je govora o stabilnosti plovila in premiku težišča vzgona, vsebuje tudi podpoglavje s predstavljenimi pogoji plovnosti in prikaz različnih leg plovila. Najbolj obširen sklop v nalogi je šesto poglavje, kjer je poleg govora o potisni sili in sili upora tudi izračun primernega motorja za jadrnico dolžine 12 m in posledično tudi izbira optimalnega vijaka za omenjeno plovilo. Materiali, uporabljeni za izdelavo plovil, so predstavljeni v sedmem poglavju. Sklop materialov poleg opisa vsebuje tudi primerjavo materialov in njihove sposobnosti. V poglavju osem, ki obsega geometrijo trupa plovila, so v grobem predstavljene glavne dimenzijske oznake, uporabljene pri opisu plovila. Predzadnje poglavje obsega razporeditev prostorov na jadrnici. V zadnjem sklopu naloge je govora o obvezni opremi na plovilu glede na njegovo območje plovbe.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Konstrukcija, jadrnica, stabilnost, hidrodinamski upor, izračun pogona plovila, materiali.
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FPP - Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118615 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:28.08.2020
Število ogledov:1297
Število prenosov:142
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
In the bachelor’s thesis, some constructional perspectives of vessels for sports and entertainment are presented. The thesis is divided into ten main chapters. In the first chapter of the thesis, the basic types of the underwater part of the hull are presented. The second chapter represents the categories of sailing in which all recreational vessels are divided into four main groups which are A, B, C, and D. In the third chapter, there is a discussion on general construction of the hull and an insight in overcoming of major strains by the use of modern materials. The fourth chapter of the bachelor’s thesis includes the presentation of hydrodynamic resistance and a rough calculation of the phenomenon of turbulence along the vessel’s hull. The fifth chapter in which we discuss the stability of the vessel and the shift of the center of gravity of buoyancy also includes the subchapter with the presented conditions of buoyancy and the display of different positions of the vessel. The vastest part of the thesis is the sixth chapter where in addition to the discussion about the thrust force and the resistance force, there is also a calculation of the appropriate engine for a sailing boat of 12 m and, consequently, the choice of the optimal propeller for the mentioned vessel. The materials used for the production of vessels are presented in the seventh chapter. In addition to the description, the chapter on materials also discusses the comparison of materials and their capabilities. In the eighth chapter which includes the geometry of the hull of the vessel, the main dimensional designations used in the description of the vessel are roughly presented. The chapter second to last includes the arrangement of rooms in the sailing boat. In the last chapter of the thesis, mandatory equipment of the vessel with regards to its area of sailing is discussed.

Ključne besede:Construction, sailboat, stability, hydrodynamic drag, engine and propeller calculation, materials.

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