We live in a society that is actually a consumer society, which can be seen on a way people save money. In my dissertation paper I am going to present two different perspectives on saving. The first one is rational model, where a consumer is seen as a sovereign agent, who gets to control his shopping tendencies with saving. The second one represents consumer, who is seeking to reach pleasure through saving. The rational and hedonic are closely connected from a savings point of view, since consumers often use reduced prices only as an rational excuse to buy an item and provide themselves pleasure. To achieve the lowest possible price they use coupons, attend sales, look out for reduced prices and so on. People consume money to invest in a purchase of an item to save in a long term. The practice of saving can also be comprehended as a game or treasure hunt, because of the excitement that can be find in a search for low prices. In empiric analysis I used interviews to illustrate consumers experience of saving.