The master thesis addresses the gymnosperms in biology and science class in elementary school. The gymnosperms are divided into several groups. Their division is different in different literatures. We followed the classification into 4 taxonomical groups. We have only briefly descibed the groups Cycadophyta and Gnetophyta. We focused on the Coniferophyta group (conifers). This group includes our native species of gymnosperms. We have described in detail the six species of conifers that thrive in our country. Of the other species, we also described in detail the Ginkgo biloba belonging to the Ginkgophyta group. For these seven species, we have also produced fact sheets to help teachers and schoolchildren carry out lessons.
The purpose of the master thesis was to find out where and how to integrate gymnosperms in biology and science classes according to curriculum. We also wanted to make some suggestions for the practical use of gymnosperms in classes. First we reviewed the curriculum for elementary school biological subjects. We have outlined operational learning objectives in the table, in which we can include content about the gymnosperms. We also provided examples of activities for lessons. For three activities, we produced practical examples, together with the results and discussion. In our survey, we wanted to found out to what extent and in what way teachers teach about gymnosperms in biology and science classes and whether teachers use gymnosperms as a materials for achieving their learning objectives. We conducted an online survey among teachers of biology, science and optional subject in primary school. In the survey we found out that most teachers deal with gymnosperms content in the 6th grade science course. Most teachers use the material collected in the pield which they show in classrooms, as well as with a pictorial identification key, to take schoolchildren to the field, and to help them with pictures in the textbook and online. We have also found that most teachers only treat gymnosperms for comparison with angiosperms. Gymnosperms are also mentioned along with themes. Teachers usually devote 1–3 hours to each mode of treatment. To a large extent teachers carry out practical activities in which they use the gymnosperms as a material to achieve learning objective. The most common activities are: identification of gymnosperms with identification keys, observation, description, comparison and fieldwork.
The survey we found out that the curriculum for science subject in primary school include a little content about gymnosperms. We also found out that gymnosperms are material for achieving their learning objectives. With survey questionnaire, we found out that more than two third of teachers treat gymnosperms as independent content. We also found out that the vast majority of teachers carry out practical activities in which they use the gymnosperms as a material to achieve learning objective.