
Model učenja po sistemu »Nikola Tesla« v luči teorij učenja in znanstvenih spoznanj
ID Šuštar, Katja (Avtor), ID Šteh, Barbara (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V magistrskem delu obravnavam model učenja po sistemu »Nikola Tesla« (NTC) v luči teorij razvoja in učenja otrok ter načine vključevanja tega modela v program javnih vrtcev. V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavim ključne teorije, ki pojasnjujejo razvoj in učenje otroka, ter njihove aplikacije za vzgojno-izobraževalno delo. Nadaljujem s predstavitvijo Kurikuluma za vrtce, ki predstavlja strokovno podlago in izhodišče za načrtovanje vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela v vrtcu. Odprtost in procesna naravnanost Kurikuluma za vrtce omogoča ravnateljem oblikovanje pestrejše programske ponudbe in možnost vključevanja različnih obogatitvenih dejavnosti. V nadaljevanju predstavim model učenja NTC, ki ga nekateri vrtci vključujejo v svoj izvedbeni kurikul. Teoretični del sklenem z lastno interpretacijo modela učenja NTC v luči teorij učenja in znanstvenih spoznanj. V empiričnem delu predstavim rezultate kvalitativne raziskave, ki sem jo izvedla v enem vrtcu s pomočjo intervjujev ravnateljice in treh vzgojiteljic. Raziskovala sem načine vključevanja modela učenja NTC v vzgojno-izobraževalno delo na ravni vrtca in posameznih oddelkov. Ravnateljica se je odločila za vključitev modela učenja NTC v izvedbeni kurikul vrtca zaradi obogatitve programske ponudbe in dela v vrtcu. Vzgojiteljicam je želela predstaviti novo strokovno literaturo in pristope, ki jih lahko vključijo v svoje delo z oddelkom. Vzgojiteljice dejavnosti modela učenja NTC ne vidijo kot novost, so pa mnenja, da pozitivno prispeva in dopolni Kurikulum za vrtce. V svoje delo z oddelkom vključujejo različne dejavnosti modela učenja NTC, vendar pa jih premišljeno izbirajo in prilagajajo starosti otrok, ciljem in vsebini. Z modelom imajo pozitivne izkušnje, ki jih prepoznavajo tako pri svojem strokovnem razvoju kot pri napredku otrok.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:učenje in razvoj predšolskega otroka, teorije učenja, Kurikulum za vrtce, obogatitvene dejavnosti, model učenja NTC
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-117155 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:26.06.2020
Število ogledov:1571
Število prenosov:262
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The "Nikola Tesla System" learning model in perspective of learning theories and scientific findings
The Master’s thesis discusses the “Nikola Tesla System” learning model (NTC) in perspective of theories that explain children’s development and learning, and the implementation of the model into national preschool education programme. In the theoretical part, I introduce the key theories that explain a child’s development and learning and their implications for educational practice. Moving forward, I introduce the Kindergarten Curriculum, a fundamental national programme document containing the principles and guidelines for formulating educational practice. Its open characteristics and process-based design allow the kindergarten principals to offer more programme variety and include different enrichment activities. In continuation, I introduce the NTC learning model, which some kindergartens have decided to implement into their curriculum. I conclude the theoretical part with my own interpretation of the NTC learning model in perspective of learning theories and scientific findings. In the empirical part I present the results of a qualitative research that I carried out in a kindergarten among the kindergarten principal and three kindergarten teachers. I was researching the means of implementing the NTC learning model into educational practice on institutional level and on individual classes’ level. The kindergarten principal has decided to implement the NTC learning model into kindergarten’s curriculum to enrich the programme and educational practice. She wanted to present new scientific literature and methods for kindergarten teachers to include into their work with their classes. Kindergarten teachers do not see the NTC learning model as a novelty, but they do agree that it supports and contributes to the Kindergarten Curriculum. They include different activities from the NTC learning model into their class practice, but they choose them with great tact and remodel them according to children’s age, objectives of learning and the content. They have positive experiences with the model which they recognize in their own professional development as well as in the children’s development and improvement.

Ključne besede:development and learning of preschool children, learning theories, Kindergarten Curriculum, enrichment programme, NTC learning model

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