The purpose of this master thesis was to do a research about the experiencing of the perception of the image of God among young adults. In the theoretical part of the thesis author researched the development of identity status and theory of attachment, by emphasizing the spiritual development of each individual. Using a thematic analysis process, she presented the results of eight interviews about perception of the image of God among young adults.
The author focused on Fowler's concept of understanding the universal religion and development of faith. Based on this theory she did a research which included eight individuals, who were given thirteen questions related to their perception of God. After a full analysis of results, she joined them in five themes and then assigned them sub-themes. According to her research the relevant themes were: experiencing the importance of religion, perception of religious practice, experiencing the image of God, comparison of God with another person and describing who made a bigger impact on participant's life. Not only did the author get concrete answers to the questions she asked, but she also got a better insight on experiencing God among young adults.