
Socialne spretnosti učencev v osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom
ID Plavčak, Darja (Avtor), ID Kobolt, Alenka (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6231/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Tematika doktorske disertacije so socialne spretnosti učencev prilagojenega vzgojno-izobraževalnega programa z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. Otroci, ki se vključujejo v ta program, imajo ob lažji motnji v duševnem razvoju pogosto tudi težave v socialnem in emocionalnem razvoju, zato potrebujejo vrsto primernih podpor, prilagoditev ter spodbud tako primarnega (družina) kot sekundarnega socialnega okolja (vrtec, šola). Primernih podpor pa so praviloma potrebne tudi njihove družine. Le-te imajo podobne, a hkrati tudi drugačne potrebe od družin z otroki brez posebnih potreb. Vzgoja in podpora otroku s posebnimi potrebami terja dodaten čas, večje razumevanje, potrpežljivost, znanje ter s tem dobršno mero odpornosti in prizadevnosti staršev. Pogosto sodijo družine teh otrok v skupino ranljivih družin ali družin z mnogimi stresi, kar dodatno oteži razvoj in odraščanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Čeravno so sodobni vrtci in šole do različnih ranljivih skupin učencev načelno inkluzivno naravnani in organizirajo vrsto podpor, potrebujejo te družine in njihovi otroci celostne in dolgotrajne podpore. Eni od teh podpor, ki je usmerjena v razvoj in utrjevanje socialnih kompetenc otrok v šolah z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom, je posvečeno to delo. V prilagojenem vzgojno-izobraževalnem programu z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom je socialno učenje vpeto v celoten vzgojno-izobraževalni program, usmerjeno in strukturirano pa se izvaja v obliki specialnopedagoške dejavnosti socialno učenje, ki je v predmetnik umeščeno od prvega do šestega razreda. Ker je dejavnost strukturirana, jo lahko razumemo kot socialni trening, ki vključuje vrsto raznolikih pristopov: lutkovni pristop, plesno-gibalne dejavnosti, glasbene in likovne dejavnosti itd. V drugih oblikah socialnega učenja se ti pristopi lahko izvajajo kot samostojne dejavnosti ali pa se med seboj kombinirajo; v obeh primerih jih je treba prilagoditi posebnim potrebam otrok. V empiričnem delu doktorske disertacije je opisana izvedena akcijska raziskava v treh skupinah učencev (skupaj dvanajst učencev) prilagojenega vzgojno-izobraževalnega programa z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom, in sicer v okviru specialnopedagoške dejavnosti socialno učenje. V raziskavi so poleg beleženja izvedenih pedagoških ur socialnega učenja podatki pridobljeni s pomočjo triangulacije virov (starši, razredničarka, strokovna dokumentacija), svetovalnih pogovorov z učenci in osebne refleksije raziskovalke. Iz načrtov in izvedbe raziskovalnega procesa ter predstavitve podatkov je razvidno reflektiranje in izbira pristopov spodbujanja socialnih spretnosti glede na posebne potrebe vsakega v raziskavo vključenega učenca. Cilji raziskovanja so bili: a) poglobiti razumevanje spreminjanja vedenjskih vzorcev pri posameznem učencu ter preveriti vlogo in pomen sodelovanja med šolo, starši in zunanjimi institucijami skozi proces izvedbe dejavnosti socialnega učenja; b) ugotavljati, kateri odzivi učencev, družin in strokovnih delavcev (njihove interakcije, vedenje, informacije in sodelovanje) so prispevali k napredku v socialnih spretnostih učencev; c) dokumentirati načine in pristope procesa izvedbe dejavnosti (izvajalke in raziskovalke): refleksije potekov, izbire in prilagoditve uporabljenih pristopov izvedbe programa socialno učenje ter ugotavljanje njihove primernosti in učinkovitosti. Rezultati opisanega raziskovalnega procesa: a) za učinkovito spodbujanje socialnih spretnosti sta potrebna takšna komunikacija in sodelovanje s starši, ki omogočata skupno definiranje problema in oblikovanje poenotenih ciljev; b) interpretacije beleženja ur dejavnosti socialnega učenja je treba primerjati z izkušnjami, vtisi in ocenami vseh oseb, ki so vključene v spodbujanje socialnega razvoja otroka ali mladostnika; c) spremembam v vedenjskih vzorcih učencev je treba slediti na osnovi opažanj in ugotovitev vseh sodelujočih v dejavnostih socialnega učenja; d) učinkovitost spodbujanja socialnih spretnosti ni odvisna le od izbire pristopa in metode – pomembni akterji sprememb so v raziskavi bili tudi aktivni starši in učitelji vključenih otrok (predvsem njihova podpora, asertivnost, pozitivna drža); e) zunanje institucije so bile vključene v primerih, ko je bilo treba dopolniti diagnostiko ali otroka preusmeriti, sodelovanje z njimi pa je bilo odvisno od staršev, od tega, kako in koliko so starši v te aktivnosti vključevali šolo; f) za devet učencev smo lahko vsi vključeni v raziskavo ocenili, da so vsaj minimalno napredovali v socialnih spretnostih; pri drugih treh učencih sodelujoči nismo zaznali sprememb in razvoja – ni pa bilo nazadovanja. Vzroke za to lahko iščemo v bolj zapletenih razmerah doma, večjih odporih do šole in težavnejšem timskem sodelovanju vseh vpletenih, tudi institucij (ni poenotenih ciljev, ni razvidnih možnih rešitev problema ali institucij ne moremo vključiti). Doktorska disertacija predstavlja prispevek k znanosti s tem, da podaja natančen zapis akcijske raziskave in kvalitativno analizo učinkovitega pristopa k spodbujanju socialnih spretnosti učencev v prilagojenem vzgojno-izobraževalnem programu z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. Rezultate akcijske raziskave lahko prenesemo tudi na področje socialnega učenja otrok s posebnimi potrebami, ki so vključeni v redne osnovne šole. V vsakem primeru spodbujanje socialnega razvoja pozitivno vpliva na celostni razvoj otrok, kar izboljša njihove možnosti za nadaljnji, socialno bolj vključujoč razvoj.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:socialno učenje
Vrsta gradiva:Doktorska disertacija
Tipologija:2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116600 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:17181443 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:01.06.2020
Število ogledov:1626
Število prenosov:266
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Social skills of students of an elementary school with an adapted education programme
The topic of the doctoral dissertation are the social skills of students in adapted education programmes with a lower educational standard. Apart from having a mild mental impairment, children who attend these programmes often have difficulties in their social and emotional development, therefore, they need more adjustments, stimuli and help in this area, first on a primary level (within their family) as well as on a secondary level (in kindergarten and school). In addition, families of children with special needs are usually also in need of adequate support. They face similar but at the same time different problems than other families, as educating and supporting a child with special needs requires additional time, a more thorough understanding, patience, knowledge and a sufficient degree of resilience and diligence among parents. These families often fit in a group of vulnerable families or families with multiple stresses, which additionally convolutes the development and upbringing of children with special needs. Although modern kindergartens and schools are inclusive towards various vulnerable groups of students and offer numerous kinds of supports, these families and their children need complete and long-term supports. This work is dedicated to one of such supports, which is directed towards the development and consolidation of social competence of children in schools with a lower educational standard. In adapted education programmes with a lower educational standard the teaching of social skills is carried out throughout the entire educational programme, while it is implemented in a more targeted and structured way through the special pedagogy activity of social learning that is included in the study curriculum from the first to the sixth grade. As the activity is structured, it can be regarded as a social training that includes a series of different approaches: activities with puppets, dance-movement activities, music and art activities, etc. In other forms of social learning these approaches can be implemented as independent activities or they can be combined; in both cases they need to be adapted to the children's special needs. For the empiric part of the doctoral dissertation we conducted an action research with three groups of students (twelve students in total) who attend an adapted education programme with a lower educational standard. The research was carried out during the special pedagogy activity of social learning. Apart from monitoring the social learning classes, the data obtained as part of the action research was collected also through the triangulation of sources (parents, the class teacher, scientific documentation), consultations with students and the personal observations of the researcher. Both the plans, the implementation of the research and the subsequent presentation of the data reflect the observations and the choice of approaches which promote social skills according to the needs of each student who participated in the research. The goals of the research were: d) to deepen the understanding of changes in the behavioural pattern of each student and verify the role and the meaning of cooperation between the school, parents and external institutions through the process of implementation of social learning; e) to find out which feedbacks of students, families and professionals (their interactions, behaviour, information and cooperation) contributed to the improvement of the students' social skills; f) to document the methods and approaches to the implementation of the activity (of the operator and the researcher): observing the development, the choice and the adaptation of the adopted approaches for the implementation of social learning, as well as determining their adequacy and efficiency. The results of the described research process: g) for an efficient promotion of social skills the communication and cooperation with parents has to allow a common definition of the problem and the establishment of unified goals; h) the interpretation of the monitoring of social learning classes has to be compared to the experience, the impressions and the evaluations of all people involved in the promotion of the child's or adolescent's social development; i) the changes in the students' behavioural patterns have to be monitored based on the observations and conclusions of all parties who cooperate in social learning classes; j) the efficiency of promoting social skills does not depend only on the choice of approach and on the method – during the research active children's parents and teachers also played an important role in achieving changes (particularly with their support, assertiveness, positive outlook); k) external institutions were involved in cases where there was a need for additional diagnosis or the child had to be redirected, the cooperation with them depended on the parents and on how and to what extent the school was involved in these activities; l) all the parties who cooperated in the research concluded that nine students improved their social skills at least to a minimal degree; as for the other three participating students we have not noticed any changes in their development – however, they did not regress. The reasons for this can lie in a more complex home environment, a higher level of reluctance to attend school and a more difficult team work of all parties involved, including institutions (the goals are not unified, there are no solutions to the problem or the institutions cannot be included at all). The doctoral dissertation represents a contribution to science as it provides a detailed description of the action research and a qualitative analysis of an efficient approach to the promotion of the social skills of students who are enrolled in an adapted education programme with a lower educational standard. The results of the action research can be transferred also on the field of social learning of children with special needs who attend regular elementary schools. In any case, the promotion of the social development has a positive effect on the overall development of children, which improves their possibilities for a socially more inclusive further development.

Ključne besede:social learning

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