
Analiza temperaturnih razmer v mraziščih Komne
ID Svetlin, Domen (Avtor), ID Ogrin, Matej (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Mrazišča so vbočene reliefne oblike na površju, v katerih se pogosto pojavlja izrazit temperaturni obrat in kjer se temperature ob ugodnih pogojih lahko spustijo bistveno nižje kot temperature v okolici. Za pojav izrazitega talnega temperaturnega obrata v času brez sončnega obsevanja morajo biti ugodne tudi vremenske razmere. Predvsem sta pomembna jasno nebo in odsotnost vetra, saj se le tako lahko zrak nad tlemi močno ohladi in v kotanjah tudi obmiruje. Specifična mikrolokacija mrazišč se ne odraža zgolj v doseganju bistveno nižjih temperatur, temveč tudi v njihovi posebni mikroklimi, ki se prav tako na kratkih razdaljah bistveno razlikuje od podnebnih značilnosti okolice. Na podlagi podatkov večletnih meritev s treh mrazišč na Komni, referenčnega merilnega mesta pri Domu na Komni in meteorološke postaje Vogel, so bile izdelane klimatološke statistike, katerih rezultati so podrobneje predstavljeni v tem magistrskem delu, tako opisno kot grafično. Za obravnavana mrazišča so na podlagi temperaturnih kazalnikov prikazane njihove temperaturne značilnosti ter primerjave z referenčno postajo pri Domu na Komni in postajo ARSO na Voglu. Posebej so obravnavani tudi posamezni primeri izjemnih temperaturnih nihanj in sprememb, velikih razlik med mrazišči in okolico, dlje časa trajajočega izrazitega temperaturnega obrata ter primeri nemotenega ohlajanja, pri čemer je poudarek na vremenskih razmerah, ki so do teh dogodkov privedle.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:temperaturni obrat, mikroklima, mrazišča, Julijske Alpe, Komna
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2020
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-116005 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:06.05.2020
Število ogledov:2786
Število prenosov:572
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:An analysis of temperature conditions in frost hollows on the Komna plateau
Frost hollows are concave landforms on the surface in which a distinctive temperature inversion often occurs and where temperatures can drop significantly below the temperatures in the surrounding environment under proper conditions. For a distinctive ground temperature inversion to occur in a period without direct sunlight, weather conditions must also be proper, therefore a clear sky as well as the absence of wind is especially important since only in such an atmosphere it is possible for the air above the ground to cool down so strongly and consequently also gathering and becoming still in the basins. The specific micro location of the frost hollows is not manifested only by reaching significantly lower temperatures but also in their specific microclimate itself which, additionally within short distances, significantly differs from the climate characteristics of the surrounding environment. Climatological statistics have been produced based on data acquired from several years of measuring three frost hollows on the Komna plateau, the reference measuring points at Dom Komna and at the Vogel meteorological station. The results of these climatological statistics are presented in detail in this Master’s Thesis, both descriptively as also graphically. Based on temperature indicators, the temperature characteristics and comparisons with the reference station at Dom na Komni and the ARSO station at Vogel are presented, for the frost hollows under examination. Moreover there are specifically considered individual cases of extreme temperature fluctuations and changes, great differences between frost hollows and the surrounding environment, extended periods of significant temperature inversion as well as cases of uninterrupted cooling with the emphasis on the weather conditions that led to these events.

Ključne besede:temperature inversion, microclimate, frost hollows, Julian Alps, Komna

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