The regulation of torrents Trebiža and Suhelj is described, essential problemsor critical spots are exposed, and possible approaches for their elimination are presented. By means of various activities a man intrudes upon used-to-be remote areas of natural environment, which together with more and more extreme weather phenomena results in increased torrential activity. Furthermore, investments into torrent science are insufficient, most measures are connected with the elimination of consequences, much less is invested intoprevention. Slovenia is one of the countries with more distinctive torrential activity; it is crisscrossed by more than 8000 km of torrents. Plans on erosive endangerment of areas should be elaborated, on their basis necessary measures could be accepted. Trebiža and Suhelj are located in the southwest part of Slovenia with a significant average annual rainfall. They both have very erosive hinterland and in the lower parts they flow through settlements that have been endangered for many times, lately in the year 2003.The condition of existing protective structures is quite bad, on some places even critical, above all in the upper parts. During last years minor regulations were carried out only on Trebiža. Some new structures should be built and the damaged ones should be restored on both torrents. By such measures settlements Rateče and Podkoren would be protected from harmful wateractivity.