The Diploma thesis assesses the importance of landscape elements in the regional units Kranj and Ljubljana of the Slovenia Forest Service. A methodology was developed, which allows a census of landscape elements - trees outside the forest - by analysing digital orthophoto images. The census covers an area of 500 x 500 metres, and the sampling plots are situated on non-forest plots only. On circular plots of 20 ares each, individual trees were censused, as were groups of trees, patches, individual bushes, groups of bushes and bush patches, and the cover proportion and height of landscape elements were assessed. Following the census, the distribution over the total censused area and a detailed analysis for the selected six landscape sub-unitswere presented. Besides the current state (2012), the differences in the cover from 2001 and in the stability of landscape elements were also assessed. Major stability was assessed, and in the analysis of the changes a deforestation trend was observed, which was assessed at 3.9 % of sampling plots in the comparison period in the Ljubljana - Kamnik basin.