As the share of wooden construction increases, the use of insulating materials based on wood and other lignocellulosic composites is increasing. The variety of natural insulating materials is very large (cellulose insulation, wood fibre, hemp, flax, straw,…). Each of these insulating materials has different fire resistance. To improve this, manufacturers use different additives in varied proportions. The problem with all these additives is the uneven distribution in the finished product, which can lead to big differences between batches, although all these products should meet the requirements for obtaining the CE mark. Our purpose was to determine the fire resistance and ignition temperature of building materials based on wood and other lignocellulosic composites. We examined how the fire resistance of lignocellulosic composites is affected by different fire extinguishing agents and their concentrations. The research results show that practically all bulk insulation materials meet the SIST EN 11925, 2011 standard, while slightly worse results were obtained for wood-fibre boards. It also turns out that insulating materials have comparable combustibility to spruce wood.