According to the data of the Cancer Registry for Slovenia, breast cancer morbidity has been increasing since 1950; therefore, mammography is still of key importance in detecting this disease in Slovenia as well as in the world. In addition to the correct position of the breast, the contras and the correct blackening are of great importance in making a quality X-ray image. We carried out two separate studies with two different phantoms. In the first study we evaluated the technical quality of mammography phantom images taken with different exposure settings and different foil age. In the second study we evaluated the technical quality of homogenous mammography phantom images taken with identical exposure settings but with foils of different ages. We presented the results in the form of tables and diagrams and came to the conclusion that the age of amplifying foils does not have a substantial influence on the quality of the X-ray images, unless the amplifying foils are mechanically damaged. However, despite the careful handling, mechanical damages are to be expected through the years; therefore, cassettes and foils must be replaced every 5 to 10 years and in any case immediately after they have been mechanically damaged.