In the master's thesis we have carried out the research to find out whether there are differences in the artistic creativity between genders in the fifth grade of primary school in the different artistic fields, namely in the field of painting, sculpture and architecture.
In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, we have defined what creativity is and named different types of creativity. Afterwards we have focused on the definition of the artistic creativity, since it is a crucial concept in our dissertation. Using the scheme of the didactic triangle, we have described how individual elements (teacher, student and teaching content) influence on teaching arts and creativity. We have also defined the factors of the artistic creativity and listed different ways to inhibit or stimulate the artistic creativity of pupils. Ultimately, we have introduced four different theories that enable a better understanding of the emergence of gender differences.
In the empirical part, we have used a qualitative approach, namely we have conducted an action research and split it into three action steps. The changes we have made related to three different areas of fine arts (painting, sculpture, architecture). We recorded all observations during each lesson in a research journal. Each lesson was followed by a review, analysis, evaluation of collected art products and diary entries. The evaluation criteria were based on the way in which the artistic language was used, the experience of the artistic motif and the way in which the artistic technique was used. Based on the collected data, we have determined whether there are differences in the artistic creativity between genders in the studied group. The sample included 37 pupils of the fifth grade of primary school.
The results of the research have shown that there are differences in the artistic creativity between boys and girls in different artistic fields. The girls showed more interest in creative work in the field of painting while boys showed a greater interest in the field of sculpture. In addition, girls were more creative when the motif was emotional, poetic, while boys were more creative when the motif was technical. We noticed that girls used more diverse elements in painting and boys in the field of sculpture. Furthermore, girls mostly chose and used warm colours (the predominant choice of colour red) while boys chose and used the cool ones (the predominant choice of colour blue). We also found out that boys showed original solutions to the artwork in the field of sculpture and architecture, and the girls in the field of painting. In the field of painting and sculpture, girls showed better motor skills, more precision, and independence in handling fine material than boys. On average, girls achieved higher final results in the artistic field of painting, boys in sculpture, while in the architectural field, both boys and girls achieved similar results.