The analysis of the production plan of the individual agricultural holding (KMG) can be performed at farm groups with common characteristics defined as typical farms (TKMG). In the context of the master's thesis, we analyzed selected TKMG directed towards the production of milk. The definition of TKMG was performed using qualitative and quantitative classification on organized workshops. The data was obtained from different databases and the estimates of the experts in agricultural fields. Impact analysis was performed at three typical farms. All TKMGs were defined in the model of the agricultural holdings (MKMG). Using MKMG test of feasibility of production plan was performed. Performing impact analysis, we have reconstructed the production plan of each individual TKMG and tested for potential deviations from the basis. In this thesis, we can conclude that the used approach allows for an analysis of the impact at the level of the typical farms. Furthermore, we conclude that the average agricultural holdings are differently economic efficient and the use of linear programming allows us to reconstruct the selected production plan.