Particularly in Europe and in some other countries as well, the number of aged is incre-asing and the share of young people is declining. The Church is beside the state obliged to respond to this phenomenon. Pastoral care of the aged and the sick persons in the Church has been present from the beginning. The Bible, Church writers, documents and liturgical books speak of the aged and the sick. Pastoral care of the aged, who may also be ill, in the past has been bounded up with the pastoral care of the adults and the sac-raments. Today, new forms intended for this vulnerable population are emerging. In the past, mostly the priests were pastorally active, but nowadays are laypersons more and more called to work in the pastoral care. With the reforms, caused by the Second Vati-can Council, they are enabled to more widespread activity in the power of their baptism. In pastoral care in the past, the aged were mainly passive participants, but today, becau-se of their abilities, they are called to be active in the apostolate. Its goal is to guide all people to God. Especially for the aged who confront with loneliness, are experiencing this path most effectively in loving communion.