The master's thesis put forward the importance of the school counselor in cases of cyberbullying among primary school children. We focused primarily on the role of school counselor in dealing with the victim, the person who caused violent behaviour, observants and, in this context, the role of counselor in cooperation with parents, school management and external institutions.
In the first, theoretical part of the thesis, we first identified peer violence in school. Furthermore, we presented the specifics of cyberbullying, various typologies and forms of cyberbullying, and explained the dynamics of such violence. We further highlighted the factors that drive the spread of cyberbullying among peers, the consequences of cyberbullying for the victim, the basic characteristics of the perpetrators of cyberbullying and the response to cyberbullying. We also define cyberbullying from a criminal law perspective. In the continuation of the theoretical work we have placed the phenomenon of cyberbullying in the school environment. We also highlighted the importance of digital literacy for primary school children and preventative activities, as well as existing forms of assistance in the field of cyberbullying. In the last section of the theoretical part of the thesis, we have identified the role of the school counselling service in addressing cyberbullying among primary school children, using the existing theory.
In the second, empirical part of the thesis, we followed the assumption that the school counselor, who has the knowledge and skills to conduct counselling conversations and to work with different individuals and groups, plays an important role in the treatment of peer violence online. Thus, in a qualitative survey among counselors, we sought answers to five substantive sets of research questions: general on cyberbullying among young people, treatment of cyberbullying among primary school students, competence of school counselors in the field of cyberbullying, obstacles and challenges in the field of cyberbullying, positive or negative experiences in dealing with peer violence online.
The results from the survey confirmed that the school counselling service plays important role when a case of peer bullying occurs among students. School counselors included in survey recognized the victim, also they are always responsive to the occurrence of cyberbullying, have basic skills to work with all perpetrators of cyberbullying, they perform or participate in the organization and implementation of preventative activities in this matter, they know pre-existing external institutions that deal with cyberbullying and thus help them both to deal with cyberbullying and to organize and carry out preventive activities. Also, the school counselors interviewed report that they are well aware of criminal law in the area of cyberbullying. Finally, we highlighted certain aspects that, in connection with the role of the school counselling service in addressing cyberbullying among elementary school students, are important to investigate, refine and professionally develop it in the future, These are: defining the concept and forms of cyberbullying, developing specific protocols and guidelines on how to respond on cyberbullying, defining the role and responsibilities of cyberbullying actors, continuous monitoring of developments in the field, placing pedagogical and legal knowledge and skills in the field of cyberbullying in study programs and further professional development programs, organization and implementation of additional professional education and preventive activities on the topic of cyberbullying and highlighting the importance of linking the school counselling service with external experts and institutions involved in this cyberbullying.