In the bachelor dissertation, I analyzed a closed Facebook group called komunikologija – MKŠ 2013/14. With the invention of the World Wide Web and Social Networks, new types of communities started to appear, also known as Virtual Communities. Facebook is one of the social networks, where virtual communities are made around common interests. Every individual can simultaneously be a member of several virtual communities, which is one of the characteristics of egocentric publics. Egocentric publics differ themselves from traditional publics by their size and structure. Filters and algorithms are crucial for a positive user experience on social networks, but also bring the side effect called the Filter Bubble, which hinders the process of gathering new knowledge for the user. Based on the written theory, I formed two research questions: Do the members of the closed Facebook group komunikologija – MKŠ 2013/14 predominantly search for information regarding the Chair of Media and Communication Studies and did the closed Facebook group komunikologija – MKŠ 2013/14 offered poorer answers, regarding to the questions not directly attached to the Media and Communication Studies. The questions were answered by analyzing the content of 412 posts, made between the 1st. of October 2015 and 31st. of September 2016, using latent coding. In-depth answers were received by conducting five interviews. Both methods provided a positive answer for both research questions. I indicated that traits of egocentric publics are present in the researched group, while for proving opinion polarization, a wider analysis would be required.