In this thesis we checked the prevalence of nutritional problems among recreational athletes. To obtain results a survey was published on Facebook. We compared them to the results that already exist and assessed differences between men and women. Considering the sport one participates in, we connected that to how one feels in his own body. Athletes were of any age and sport. Only a few are battling with eating disorders (1 % of women), while almost everybody deals with small nutritional problems daily, let it be too much sugar intake, sporadic eating, doing sports even when they feel bad … It showed that women are less satisfied with their bodies than men, are fasting more often and pay more attention to what they eat, which means that they have more regular meals on a daily basis. Men eat unhealthy, fast food more frequently than women and many train even when feeling sick. Sports in which athletes showed the worst self-esteem were hockey and boxing, followed by running, triathlon, cycling and volleyball.