The master thesis is centred around the research of gender identities and how the gender identities are shown with the use of clothing. Through history and in different cultures gender identites were strongly interchangable between genders and certain clothing items deemed as female were actually male and vice versa.
For the development of the collectiion an important factor was the research of different culutres around the world and how they concieved gender, from the Baklâ people of the philiphines to the two spirited people of the Native Americans where the sex was different from their gender. The theoretical part also disscuses the difference between the culural perception of male, women and androgynous people and how that is expressed in their clothing, as well themes about crossdressing and drag.
The whole research was a conceptual basis for the development of the collection Bloom. The collection was developed by research of important pop culutre figures, a series of illustrations which displayed the different gender expressions of people and with the idea of the deconstruction of genders a deconstruction of clothing was used to develop the silluetes of the collection. The result is a collection, that isn't gender specific because it encorporates elements of menswear and womenswear intertwined into a fluid collection. The collection was shoot in our LGBT Tiffany as a reference to the begingings of the movements that started the fight for the expression of freedom.