Introduction: We talk about an incurable disease when the last stage of the disease is dying and death. It is difficult to cope with such a diagnosis, and in doing so, nurses need to help and encourage the patient to find meaning and co-operation. Communication with the patient's relatives and his / her loved ones also has great importance because they spend a lot of time with this person and know her best. It is also important for them to be prepared as possible to death of relatives. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to present the importance of communication with the patient and relatives about his illness and possible outcomes. Methods: We used a descriptive method of work by searching literature in databases: CINAHL, Medline, SAGE Journals, COHRANE Library and COBBISS.SI with help of key words: accepting the disease, facting death, the role of the nurse, the importance of commnication, fear, talking with relatives. A substantive analysis is made. Results: A patient with an incurable disease is usually afraid of discussing this topic. Therefore, it is the task of a nurse to conduct a conversation, partly direct it, and constantly care for the well-being of the patient. The involvement of relatives in these conversations is, however, the easiest possible through a family meeting, in which everyone is equal. Obstacles may occur in communication, as there are often fears that we will put the patient in sadness and discomfort. These obstacles need to be overcome in order to reach the desired goal and information, and this is easiest with good communication skills. Discussion and conclusion: The goal of a nurse with an incurable illness patient is that he will enjoy the rest of his time as much as possible and that he would not be afraid of death and things related to her. If this is to be achieved, however, the patient needs to talk about it as much as possible and help him to find the wishes he has into the remaining time. Quality communication without obstacles and fears is crucial and it is also necessary to prepare the relatives to the worst. Open communication among all is important for this.