The digestive system of the model invertebrate organism P. scaber consists of the esophagus, stomach, hindgut and digestive glands. Hindgut is divided into three anatomically and functionally distinct parts, the anterior chamber, papillate region, and rectum. Each part of the digestive system has a specific function. The stomach performs mastication, sorting and filtering of the food; in the anterior chamber digestion and absorption of nutrients take place; and in the papillate region ion transport and water reabsorption take place. We analyzed the variability of the microtubule distribution in epithelial cells of different anatomical regions of the digestive tract by immunolocalization. The results show that microtubules are most abundant in the area of typhlosolis and typhlosolic folds in the posterior region of the anterior chamber and in the papillate region, where they are arranged in the apical-basal bundles. A large number of microtubules is also present in the apical parts of cells in inferomedianum of the stomach and in typhlosolis and typhlosolic folds of the anterior and middle regions of the anterior chamber. Microtubules are in general more abundant in mechanically loaded parts of the digestive tract.