Since the life path of Karel Jaš (1901–1999) and his liturgical work were discussed in two major discussions, the author put focus in this debate only on the research and pedagogical work of Karel Jaš in the time of his catechist service in the parishes and employment as lecturer of liturgy at the Maribor Unit of the Faculty of Theology. In the discussion professor Jaš is presented as a researcher in the liturgical movement in the 1930s as well as a remarkable expert on postconciliar worship. The main theme of his interest and research was active collaboration in worship. Therefore his research work focused primarily on the pastoral benefit. He also used his research findings and insights in his lecturing at the Faculty of Theology. Although he did not study liturgy at any scientific institution, his knowledge of liturgy was no less scientific and professional as he was subscribed to almost all of the liturgical magazines of that time, he regularly received all of the most important works on liturgy, translated many of them and used them in his pastoral work and his lectures. He tried to pass his enthusiasm for research and for a more active participation in worship onto his students, but he did not always succeed. Nevertheless he performed his mission as lecturer with a great deal of responsibility and dedication. It can be said that Karel Jaš is one of the greatest pioneers of the liturgical movement in the Church of Slovenia, a great liturg full of enthusiasm, with a great deal of responsibility as a professional lecturer of liturgy at the Faculty of Theology