In my master's thesis, I study the success of social work interns with transfering theory into practice within various institutional contexts. In the theoretical part, I present the concept of social work, outline the implementation of social work studies, and lay out the knowledge that the students should gain at the Faculty of Social Work upon completing their studies. I also describe the importance and role of social work theory and its transfer into practice, list the different institutional contexts in which interviewed trainees were employed, and introduce the notion of traineeship in the field of social care. In the empirical part, I focus on how formal studies have prepared social work trainees for the process of support and help management, work with the law, and work with groups. In this, I focus primarily on the use of modern social work concepts in different institutions. I also focus on the different aids that the trainees use, the obstacles in their use of modern social and functional concepts, as well as the differences in their use of these concepts within various institutional contexts (homes for the elderly, psychiatric hospitals, and social work centers). The study shows that in their work, trainees most often used the concept of working relationship and the corresponding elements of working relationship. In their eyes, the most important factor that enables the use of modern social work concepts is the personal and individual decision to bring the theory that they have conquered into practice.