A Problem ofglobalwarming and the amountofgreenhousegasemissionsfrom the useoffossilfuelshasbeenpresent in the world for a long time. In theirquest to findsolutionsvariousinternationalcommunitieshaveadoptednumerousguidelines and directives, mainlyfocused on increasing the useofrenewable energy sources. Solar Thermal Technology is certainly one of more importantareas, which is corroborated by the increasingnumberoflarge solar thermal systems, recentlybuilt or underconstruction.
Ourassignmentwas to investigateoptions andpossibilitiesforintegrationof a large solar thermal systemintoanexisting district heatingsystem. The resultsof the analysiswereorganizedinto a numerical model, calculating the efficiency andfunctionallityofindividualelementsof the solar thermal system. Thenweadaptedthisnumerical model to the specificrequirementsof the district heatingsystem. Thisprovided us withdata on efficiencyof the receivers, the powerofindividualmodules in termsof solar radiation and the optimumsizeof the solar thermalcollectorfield. The resultwasthatdepending on sizethe district heatingsystemcouldact as a daily heat storage.