Naloga predstavlja kontrastivno analizo postopka prevajanja ter zaključenega prevoda dela Le roman d'Ernest et Célestine avtorja Daniela Pennaca. V prvem delu naloge se najprej posvetimo splošnim vprašanjem in izzivom, s katerimi se soočamo pri prevajanju. Ogledamo si bomo različne pristope k delu, vlogi prevajalca ter mestom, ki so jih zasedala prevajana dela v različnih obdobjih zgodovine in literarnega razvoja in ki še danes močno vplivajo na to, kako dojemamo prevajanje; vse to v zavedanju, da gre v našem primeru za dokaj specifično književno zvrst, in sicer otroško literaturo. Med analizo dela smo torej še posebej pozorni na ključne značilnosti in morebitne posebnosti besedila samega, ki so nam služijo za izhodišče in na katere moramo biti vseskozi zelo pozorni. Nato se lotimo kronološke analize prevajalskega procesa, ki smo ga okvirno razdelili na štiri dele, od prvega branja do zadnjih popravkov, ter skušamo pri vsakem izpostaviti tako ključna vprašanja kot tudi manj očitne in bolj presenetljive dileme, na katere smo naleteli. V prvem delu analize si s pomočjo konkretnih primerov damo opravka predvsem z vprašanji glede besedišča in problemov, ki smo jih v določenih primerih imeli pri iskanju in odkrivanju slovenskih ustreznic. V drugem delu se nato osredotočimo predvsem na zdaj že obstoječi slovenski tekst ter na spremembe, ki so bile potrebne za to, da je prevedeno besedilo postalo resnično slovensko ter začelo normalno delovati v svojem ciljnem jeziku. Namen je torej oblikovati prevedene besedilo do te mere, da bo ravno tako berljivo in dovršeno, kot je bilo izvirno. Tretji del analize predstavlja pregled in primerjavo komentarjev in opomb treh bralcev prevoda (ki izvirnika niso poznali), analizo njihovih mnenj ter odločitev glede sprememb, ki jih bodo njihove opombe spodbudile. V četrtem in zadnjem delu pa se lotimo ponovnega vzporednega branja obeh besedil in poskušamo z natančno primerjavo popraviti morebitne spodrsljaje, nenatančnosti ali nezaželene divergence med izhodiščnim besedilom in prevodom, do katerih lahko pride tako med začetnim prevajalskim delom kot tudi med naknadnim procesom preoblikovanja. Prav prek ponovnega vzporednega branja lahko še enkrat zaobjamemo in primerjamo celostno podobo obeh besedil ter njun učinek na bralca in poslušalca. Za zaključek še enkrat izpostavimo ključna spoznanja, do katerih smo lahko prišli prek prevajalskega in analitičnega dela naloge.The work that lies before us represents the analysis of the finished translation of the novel Le roman d'Ernest et Célestine by the author Daniel Pennac as well as the working process that brought us to it. In the first part of the thesis we devote our attention to the more general questions and challenges of translation. We observe the evolution of the position and the status of the translator as well as the translated work itself during different historical periods and how they may still affect our current views on translating; knowing of course that in our case we are dealing with very specific type of literature - a children's book. During the analysis we, therefore, always pay attention to the key ingredients and qualities of the original text that will serve as a departing point and which we shall always keep in mind . In the second part we proceed with a chronological analysis of the four stages that the translating work has been divided in, from the first reading up to the final touches. In each segment we try to address its most important aspects as well as the unexpected questions that may arise during our work. In the first segment we focus mainly on questions regarding vocabulary choices and eventual dilemmas that the translator might face, all of which based on real examples. In the second part of the analysis we observe the changes that the now existing Slovenian text had to endure in order to become an actual literary work, which could be read as easily and as fluently and that could function as well as the original. The third segment will represent an overview and a confrontation of the comments and notes of three different readers of the translated text (that have not read the original), the review of their opinions and the eventual decisions about the changes that had to be made upon their remarks. In the fourth and last part of the analysis we undertake the challenge of rereading simultaneously the original and the translated text, to capture the eventual misunderstandings, inaccuracies and divergences that could have arisen either during the first translation or later, when reformulating the translated version. Furthermore, the rereading shall give us the possibility to grasp once again the whole impression of both texts and compare their impact upon the reader and listener. In the conclusion, we summarize the critical discoveries that we had come to realize while translating the text and analysing our work.