In my master's theisis I wanted to determine, how would fifth graders respond to the use of a creative move during lessons. I was interested in how and in which ways can we involve the creative move in different subjects. I was measuring the effectnes of the creative move, to what extent will the students obtain the learning objectives. My interest was also in the well being of the fifth graders during lessons, that invloved the already mentioned method of work. In the theoretical part I first explain what the creative move really is as a learning approach and what are its positive impacts on students and teaching. I stated some practical cases on involving the move into different lessons, subjects. I explained what means an embodied congtion* and its connection with the creative move in addition I stated how can we put this specific method into good use for a interdepartmenalt integration with including in lessons. Empirical part is assembeled with my research presentation, that I did in one of the sloveninan elementary schools, in the fifth grade.
One class of fifth graders was involved in my study. There was 19 students. I looked into the posibilty of including the creative move in lessons (in general) with including it in to different subjects and different parts of my lessons. At the end I gradually analayzed the lesson. With short exams I tested, if the students have learned the learning objectives. The atmoshpere in the class was measured with a five-point scale of current well-being.
I finded that the creative move can be included in all subjects in the fifth grade. It has positive effects on students, the atmoshphere and cooperation. The findings showed that the students aquired all the learning objectives and that over all they felt well or very well. Noone of them never felt poor or very poorly. This means that the approach of the creative move has positive effects on the well being of fifth grade students and their understanding of eductional material.