In this master thesis we introduce two rather unknown branches of computer science which could potentially in the near future lead this field of expertise forward. Firstly, we introduce quantum dot cellular automata (QCA) which represents new approach to implementation of digital circuits. QCA is one of the alternatives to still relevant transistor in digital circuits. Quantum cell, QCA structures, QCA clock and QCADesigner --- software for design and simulation of QCA structures, are introduced. Secondly, we introduce reversibility in the sense of reversible data processing. Reversibility and different reversible logic functions are explained.
Next, we shift focus to Gray code, binary to Gray code conversion and different approaches for generating Gray code. In addition, different approaches to binary to Gray code converter implementation are introduced e.g. classic electronic wiring, QCA model and electro-optical implementation.
The main goal of this master thesis is implementing binary to Gray code converter. To achieve this we make use of QCA and reversibility. For starters, we take a look at different existing binary to Gray code converters that are based on QCA techonology. We define different metrics for these converters. With the help of QCADesigner we create our own QCA binary to Gray code converter and gradually improve upon it based on previously defined metrics. At the end we compare our converter with existing converters and give our final comments.