This master’s thesis deals with the thieves of time in the workplace at company X. Thieves of time are disturbing factors that steal our time. The fact that we cannot replace, restore, or save time, makes it valuable and expensive. It is very important therefore, that we use the time that is given to us effectively, enjoying activities that motivate or relax us. In the theoretical part, I focused on time management, time management-related stress in the workplace, and recommendations and techniques regarding the thieves of time for more efficient work. According to their origin, I divided the thieves of time into two groups of factors. Depending on their content, I divided the stressors into eight groups. I also combined recommendations and techniques for effective time management and stress reduction, and described some of them in more detail.
In the empirical part, I examined what the most common thieves of time in the workplace at company X are and whether there are differences between different fields of work. In order to do this properly, I included the views of the employees as well as the views of the heads of departments and the view of an external observer. I wanted to find out whether the presence of an external observer has any effect on the thieves of time and whether the company leaders are aware of the thieves of time that their employees are dealing with at their work. I also wanted to find out if keeping track of their work in the form of a timetable, has any effect on recognizing different thieves of time depending on whether employees filled out the questionnaire prior or after timetable.