The dissertation is an attempt of discussing the essayism of Vinko Ošlak thematically, as well as in terms of its content. I have focused on several thematic units which I find to be constitutive parts of the author's essayism,for that reason or another. I begin my dissertation by briefly explaining the terminology of the essay and essayism as such and continue with the author's essayistic contemplations on culture and (transcending the) nature, language and nation, Esperanto - Ošlak's privileged topic, the essence of man and the ecumenically open Christianity. I conclude my dissertation by pondering on Ošlak's essayism as untimely, by pointing out the broadness of the author's "mental horizon" and the richness of his authorial approach. As far as Ošlak's essayism is concerned, in it I recognize a valuable and individual recall of what is often a long forgotten vision - the openness to the future and transcendence.