The diploma thesis explores the images of war presented in Boris Pahor's Nekropola and Maja Haderlap's Angel pozabe. The historical facts of the Second World War with the focus on concentration camps are presented, as well as both authors' biographies, since they are important for understanding the novels which are partly autobiographical. This historical and biographical background is followed by the analysis of both novels, including their internal and external structure - fabula, motif-theme analysis, discourse and narrator. Through the analysis, common points emerge: preservation of the Slovene language, respectively Slovene word; the trauma of the war which impacted Primorska and Koroška; as well as the search for identity in the chasm between two cultures and languages. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the terrors of war affect both people who experienced war and their offspring who enperienced it only indirectly. Regardless of the geographical location - whether it be Primorska or Koroška - war has irreversible consequences.