This master thesis presents essential exercises to improve flexible flat foot. In greater detail it discusses about exercise execution, functional analysis, purpose of exercises and load.
It is monograph type of thesis in which i used descriptive research method. Majority of literature used in research are home and foreign scientific articles.
Flexible flat foot is muscolosceletal abnormality of lower limb. It is a complex problem with numerous of symptoms and different types od deformation. Exercises are one of the primary conservative interventions for flexible flat foot. Exercises can have direct effect on neuromascular control, strength, flexibility and proprioception. Strengthening exercises for intrinsic foot muscles are most comonly described due to ther functional link with the arches of the foot. However, extrinsic foot muscles are also important as they provide dynamic support and control of both the longitudinal and transverse foot arch. One of the most effective exercises for intrinsic muscles is short foot exercise. It activates all plantar muscles. Similar activation can bee seen with exercises: toes spread, first-toe extension, second to fifth-toe extension. Research has shown increased strength and cross-sectional area with these exercises but the problem lies in defining load and providing exercise recommendations. Some standing exercises (short foot, toes spread, first-toe extension, second to fifth-toe extension, backward tandem walk with short foot) can be used to improve proprioception which can be impaired in some people with flexible flat foot. Previous studies investigated the influence of one or just few exercises. With our findings we can only give an opinion of effectiveness of particular exercise. This thesis can be used for further research, in which holistic exercese program can be investigated.