The master's thesis deals with knowledge, mainly related to business, which is essential in managing a company. When a lawyer acts as a business leader / manager, it is so necessary that in addition to legal, he also possesses business skills. At the core of the paper, three business models are considered. Business tools, namely Canvas, SWOT analysis and the Porter's five forces. The business tool Canvas captures the whole business of the company, from the supplier network, the creation of products, sales, to cash flows, so it is useful especially when we want to verify the business situation as a whole (from all angles). The SWOT analysis, focusing on the advantages in the shortcomings of the business plan, is useful wider, not only in the analysis of the company's operations. We can also use it outside of our leadership. Porter's five forces is a business model that can analyze the competitiveness of the environment and businesses. At the end of the paper, additional knowledge is listed, which is crucial for the management of the company - primarily social skills.
In the second half of the paper, the link between the study plan of the Faculty of Law and business knowledge is discussed. Improvements are also proposed. The conclusion of the work is the answer to the research hypotheses and the re-emphasized importance of business knowledge for the career of a lawyer who wants to become a business leader.