In our modern society, we can look at leisure from different viewpoints. Free time (leisure) can thus be seen as a withdrawal from the demands of everyday life, also we can view it as an additional point of stress and dissatisfaction. Modern consumer society has had an important influence on the individual's use and perception of leisure time. Together with the increasing impact of information and communication technologies, the concept of "real" and "worthy" life has emerged, however it is not equally accessible to all. We can say that consumption has gained primacy over leisure. This can be understood in the context of the full range of different spending options that do not only offer material goods to an individual, but the creation of an entire identity. Consequently, the attitude to leisure time, its utilization and ultimate satisfaction with life are subject to the economic logic of the modern world and socio-economic inequalities. Socio-economic differences between individuals have a significant impact on the possibilities of using free time or access to the full range of leisure time options available in a modern society. In today's society, such free time is no longer just a time to rest, but it is time to "create" an individual.