Enforcement against the shareholder’s share is a procedure that has quite often been subject to fundamental legislative amendments. Its regulation developed from the point when the enforcement against the shareholder’s share was not specifically regulated and was managed according to the rules defining the enforcement against other proprietary or material rights, till the current arrangement, within which it is regulated by a separate chapter of the law.
Despite the fact that today the enforcement against the shareholder’s share is an area governed by independent rules, the legislative provisions regulating it are few in number, moreover they refer to the reasonable application of the rules on the enforcement against real property. In such cases courts play the major role, since their decisions shall represent adequate solutions within the enforcement law.
Rather than discussing the entire procedure of the enforcement against the shareholder’s share, the master’s degree thesis focuses on specific areas or phases related to the enforcement procedure that seem to appear more appealing or important or are still open to some extent and thus create misapprehension when applied in practice. The thesis concentrates particularly on the specifics of the enforcement procedure, which are related to the shareholder’s share as object of enforcement.
Through the analysis of the relevant legislative acts and case-law the thesis intends to draw the attention also onto the areas, which, in my opinion, would require amendments or changes in the field of jurisdiction.