The thesis deals with the topic of designing the transfer of content between
intranets of the SIJ Group. The Group has two intranets based on outdated platforms
that do not offer as much functionally as their modern intranet portal running
SharePoint 2013. For the aforementioned reason, plans have been made to download
content from those two intranets and afterwards retire them.
The topics of intranets and issues they can solve are presented including their
social aspects. Technologies on which those individual intranets are based on
(SharePoint, WordPress, Sambar Server) are discussed, including frameworks such as
PowerShell which are used in the process of content transfer. Several components of
SharePoint that can be considered critical for transferring content are analysed. The
process of configuring the test environment, data extraction, and processing of the data
are described. Scripts and individual functions within them – they allow for the
automation of the transfer process of articles, documents, etc. to the SharePoint server
– are presented.
It is not possible to transfer all content to SharePoint with automation alone, as
it does not take into account all of the different content hierarchies and the difference
in the amount of categories. Duplication of functionality and obsolete technologies in
use (e.g. Adobe Flash) are also a concern.