Regulatory T cells are specialized subpopulation of lymphocytes T, which areresponsible for maintaining the immune tolerance. The absence of TREG can lead to development of autoimmune diseases and to uncontrolled proliferation of lymphocytes T and B, which in result can lead to chronic inflammation. It has been proven that the condition of the disease can be improved with the introduction of new TREG. Scientists are trying to develop a method for differentiation of conventional T cells into TREG. In the diploma, we tried to activate the genes involved in differentiation into TREG, by electroporating dCas9-VPR and various combinations of plasmids for sgRNAs into Jurkat cells. We measured the change in the level of expression of FOXP3, CTLA4, EOS, CD25, and CD4 genes. The highest increase in expression of FOXP3 was achieved by co-activation of FOXP3 and CTLA4 genes. The latter was also the most successful in increasing CD25 expression. The CD4 expression remained unchanged. Contrary to expectations, co-activation of FOXP3, CTLA4 and EOS genes showed a negative effect on expression of observed genes. In the diploma, we have shown that the combination of electroporated plasmids affects the differential expression of genes important for the differentiation of TREG.