The goal of the diploma thesis was to investigate the operation and the scope of the blockchain technology, and through the acquired knowledge and software frameworks to develop a content sharing application based on the exchange of money in private cryptocurrency.
The task of an intermediary in classical, centralized systems is to take care primarily of the authenticity of the data. With the use of blockchain we get rid of a trusted agent to exchange data. Each record in the blockchain is public and anyone can check whether it has changed since its creation. Due to the way the blockchain operates, it is possible to have a complete overview of the past system conditions, since the data recorded in the chain is practically impossible to change.
Applications based on blockchain technology are used in different areas, especially where we deal with important information and we do not want them to be altered in any way or would have an unfair influence over them. For example, the block chain is used in cyber security, decentralized data storage, decentralized autonomous organizations, the Internet of Things and healthcare.
There are many software libraries and services for simpler and faster development of applications based on blockchain technology. In order to develop my own solution for sharing content using virtual money called MMShare, I have tried one of the open source versions of the blockchain libraries called Naivecoin. Every transfer of virtual money is recorded in the block on the platform, so that none of the users can spend twice their digital assets in order to cheat.
The MMShare platform consists of the backend and the frontend. The backbone consists of the Naivecoin library with the REST web interface that interacts with the blockchain, the MongoDB database to record the necessary information on users and content, and the application logic with the REST web interface for accessing the front end. The MMShare application can be used with a web or mobile version that is customized for use on different devices.